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welcome to THE MEDIA DESK
No Flash®, No Pop-ups, No Frames "The sound of a wind chime can be a most soothing music, unless you are trying to do your taxes." -Dr Leftover Use: FIREFOX please! good readsAll of the Desk's published novels have now been collected on one page....By Reader Request! (somebody said they couldn't find them!)
A new police detective series has moved into the Desk from Long Island, New York. the Desk does an Editorial that feels like an obituary for a well known American company: "remember the big envelope full of magazine stickers?" Believe it or not, the Desk DEFENDED the FRENCH over the Olympic "Last Supper" mess! Reincarnation Non-Fiction? Mystery Series? A 'home gardening segment'? An International Farming Feature? Electroculture, is all of the above. This story is "...but it could be real" FICTION! The Cycling Grand Tour of North America. The Final Story of the series is Argo Epic: 'out takes' and 'random notes'.
4 July 2023 brings you: The Questions you ARE NOT supposed to ask your Sunday School Teacher- Answered! A Two Part Essay!
Last Fall the Desk sat in on a study of the time between the prophets and John the Baptist. It gave the Desk an idea Arthur's Pack, we find some REALLY old dogs in the woods of Maine. Midnight, Mississippi, an ancient sleeping volcano may be waking up.
It took awhile, but it is here:
A Sequel to a sequel:
Extreme Real World Travel: Nova Scotia
NON-FICTION / Current Affairs, January 2021: We look at some people who are said to "Come during times of great trouble."
New Fiction for November 2020. A short story based on a bad dream, no a really, REALLY, Bad Dream, to close out 2020...
JULY 2020, New Fiction!
For those in Lockdown, or the ones that should be, a Mystery Series article:
Brand New Fiction (for lockdown): Pointless Fiction... for Free! (the best kind, right?) "...We're the Temps."
For Palm Sunday we look at a really interesting question: January 2020 brings you the question: "Is math the Universal Natural Language... " ... from the Mystery Series. New from the Desk's Fiction Department: if you are counting, that is Book Three. THE TWO PLANET MISSION OF THE ARGO EPIC.
December 2018:
Something of a new side project that has been very interesting, and more fun than the Desk expected...
A friend of the Desk asked about... ... REAL vampires.
you've heard about the original, maybe you even read it....
New Short Story! (yes, the Desk still writes Fiction believe it or not)
A BLOODY new Mystery Series Article Why those "Social Media" Fun Questions and other such sharing, may not be a good idea.
Posted on the last day of 2016:
Editorial about the coverage of Election 2016
Three New Short Stories for FALL 2016
The long night on Thunderecho Island subs - or - "Sir, we have a cold war problem."
"We are the Muses, and we are here to save our sister." Mused
new for September 2016- We look at a Tanya Tucker song and, well, SCIENTIFIC HOAXES like Piltdown Man, Ica Stones, "Archaeoraptor", and other stuff. The Desk's Mystery Series looks at: "the black eyed children" and "the indigo children" to answer are "the kids alright"? A reader wants to know if MAGIC is real.
We were just connecting dots
The Desk looks at some personal care products.
A question led to this: In Celebration of CERN's Large Hadron Collider destroying the world! we all HOPE this is a science FICTION story! New ADULT TOPIC Short Novel posted
New In The Mystery Series: Adventure Fiction
Political Commentary: Is it a SIN for a CHRISTIAN to vote for a Democrat? From the Mystery Series: The Desk looks at Ghosts and Spirits.
Short Story posted 1 June 2014:
the making of I Stole Everything For The Zombies the film.
An unplanned Sporting Event Photo Essay- the Schlarman Academy Archery Shootout. 16 schools, 504 archers, and one Desk!
We visit with some old friends when the JUPITOR comes across the SPACEBOX.
FREE READ! Science Fiction Novel web published for 2014.
Another Photo Essay:
The 2014 Midwest Equipment Dealers Ag Expo
Interesting Photo Essay:
The Restoration of the historic Fischer Theater
Warning: this bad dream may give YOU a Bad Dream!
New Adventure with 'The Detective': Bad times in Las Vegas.
NEW PHOTOESSAY with commentary: "A night and a day, on a Train!"
A question was asked: "What Rights, under the US Bill Of Rights, would you have under Sharia Law?"
tech-security-mystery-nonfiction article - but "You may not LIKE what you read"!
New Major Article in the MYSTERY SERIES:
New Fiction for 2013!
The Detective: 10. "Somebody is killing all the bad guys."
New From "Fred", More Thoughts of a Wandering Soul and "To My Brother".
In the MYSTERY SERIES: -and-
The Desk looks into the legend of Lilith - Adam's First Wife
Did you get a "fly away escape" postcard? even the airline says it's a scam!
Speaking of scams, 2012's greatest hits... some things never change.
The National Reply Center almost, so close, scam
And on a lighter note: The 2012 Polar Bear Plunge Cake Off Photoessay
Genetically Engineered Food, the 'dark side, and you.
"gold, Gold! GOLD!!! ... ... but why?" in the Mystery Series.
a Desk tour of the Other PYRAMIDS of the World
Major New Photo Essay
And now... Facebook password reset scam spam!
"But I'm writing a children's book!"
Tired of snow? How would you like to be tired of "Snow Zombies"?
The Grimoire of New Jersey.
New Charity Photoessay Toys For Tots 2010!
Event Coverage! Major Photoessay!
Social and Business Networking...
Books That Killed
Dock Dogs!
The drugged business cards warning email!
The Desk's Mystery Series looks at Great Zimbabwe
New Mystery Series article.
The 2009 Snow Hill Fiber Festival Article and Picture Pages
The latest con game to come the Desk's way: A Scam for the Books!
The "Teacher's Letter to Obama" should get somebody a detention.
"Woe! Woe, O great city, O Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come!"
A new 419 Scam Letter NOTE: the "anti drug/terrorist clearance certificate" is part of the scam!
The First One Hundred Days of Mr. Obama like you will NOT see on CNN or MSNBC!
Disclaimer Collection Photo Page THREE!!!
Once More With Feeling. More offensive, and even CRIMINAL advertising.
CLINTON BY PROXY Oh, "O" say it isn't so!
The Desk Answers an email of
Christmas questions.
Duck Souls! Metaphysical Boundaries Chapter Five Now Posted!
The FBI Nigerian Scam Letter is Back! it was first seen in 2004!
It was just another Thursday for a Photoessay.
The new low in men-bashing ads is: "unbutton your beast?", and more.
New Photos on the Disclaimer Collection Photo Pages.
Hold onto your "hanging chads" ELECTION 2012 is just FOUR YEARS away!
Under The Rock
New Story for April 08!
The Unintended Consequences of Ophiuchus
NoN Fiction- 28 March UPDATE to the Desk's Global Warming Prediction!
An Instant CLASSIC 419 Scam letter! and
Two scam letters one that's hilarious, and one from CareerBuilder.com
The 2008 BIG GAME Desk Style! with pure Gonzo commericial review. 5 Cel phone facts email 1 of 5 is true! ALSO- the good old cell phone gun email PHISHING UPDATE and overview starring the "official bank of the SEC" The Answer is... Two Hundred and Seven... and counting. The Question....
NEW FICTION! Jan 08! The Desk makes a Global Warming Prediction. NEW PHOTO ON THE Public Utility Warning pic page. Did you know that between the THREE disclaimer picture pages, there are over 30 photos of these things? The Christmas Eve Week look at Primary Season 2008. A NEW PHOTOESSAY with THREE picture pages! the 2007 Delaware Technology Conference The last member of 'The Pack' has passed on. "Three weeks in 1961" See the Desk's brief for background.
DISASTERS! The Desk looks at a Greatest Hits List of Potential Major Disasters. NEW Non Fiction article.
The Jamie Bulger's Murders Go Free (Very Sad Story) email petition . It Used to be True Sort Of.
The article on Theatrical Blackface from 2002. With Newly rebuilt Photo Page! Desk Report for 2007 ???top one million??? PLAYPEN 10 - 1 GT Article and PHOTOS! The First Class US Mail The Seventy Two Hour Only SCAM! with pictures NEW FICTION Aug 07 Legacy Project- CANCELED The Desk was asked What's Next? in the Tech World
The Desk is a PROPHET! All over by Jan 3? - check out the headline from the 8 August 2007 WSJ! - The Global Warming UPDATE from Canada, Summer Solstice 07
IN DEPTH TECH (maybe scam) ARTICLE: VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES how much do you know about the Online Worlds? ... and Two New Articles about the 'unhealthy' side of the web.... the MODEL scams!
NEW! Photoshoot 2 With a Beautiful Young Woman. Compare to the original: Photoshoot photoshoot
Metaphysical Boundaries. Chapter FOUR Now Posted! The Desk's Science or SciFi QUIZ. With answers and links to resources. Another New Picture in the PHOTOESSAY For The Disclaimer Collection, at the bottom. Questions sent in by a Desk Reader answered half to death. ANOTHER DISCLAIMER COLLECTION Update Now over 600 Entries! Including: Attending the wrong class all semester, even if you earn an "A" may result in an "F." "Have you driven a Ford Lately?" If not, you might miss your chance. When is a GAME a SCAM? and To Those that get Stuck in 'Dumb'. Pills and Creams to make you LARGER, or just poorer? Another PAYPAL SCAM
By Request: NON-FICTION Collection! and
the Mystery Series...
NOTE: Some older material is being moved now, and some may simply be Deleted!
Doctor Leftover's Page. With links to the Profile and other Personal Stuff and Pictures. Meaningful Quotes from the GREAT MINDS and gibberish from the Desk. The Desk's "Artistic Statement" ? The Desk Report for 2006! It's been another year?
NOTE: The Desk's old guestbook was full of advertisements for porn sites and has been disabled, the Desk's main mailbox is recieving over a hundred SPAM messages a day and has been deleted, the second one is now being acively SPAMMED and those that do are being reported to their ISP: To contact Dr. Leftover use the new GUESTBOOK The Desk writes a brief on The Holocaust
also- The Desk's RAVEN story index page The Hoaxes and Urban Legend Page is: HERE Link Fixed! Including Quick Reference Guide
The NEW IRS scam and The Toxic Pancake Email!
the Foreign Lottery SCAMS, The Cel Phone checkout line ID Theft HOAX. -and- Natural Products read it before you buy that stuff off the TV, and more SPAM. 'To A Child' email poem and plea- HOAX New STUPID SPAM TRICKS and Warning
The Desk Fiction Department
The Secret War In Oliphant Furnace "So we look for an ice chest sized wooden box." Debby said. Come Visit Sand Mountain near Bryant, Alabama
a NOVEL LENGTH sci-fi fan fiction story-
TECH PAGE All Technical and Web articles have been shoved over here. "The BEST COMMERCIAL there is for VERIZON FIOS
The 2005 Delaware Technology Conference
POLITICS SPORTS! a Two Part Ranting On Sports HUMOR. These are the articles you were warned about! The DISCLAIMER COLLECTION. A One Of A Kind Feature with over 500 entries! Allergen Information: produced in a facility that uses peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, milk and shellfish. AND WHY would anybody do something like this? Another bunch of questions answered Happy Pengi?
RELIGION. Christian Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy Adventure Come and see! New Stories Eventually!
KADA the Desk's nightmare character. Chapters One and Two posted! More available by email only. A Tale of Two Dorms! The Desk's Soap Opera and Quote page.
From theHunter "We never call anything a 'crash course' in the space business." Our first instructor said. "But that's what I was told this was." "Did they tell you why?" I asked him. "No sir. They said it was so classified they hadn't even told God about it yet." "Sounds about right." Conga said. "Where do we start?" Fifty-two Episodes Now Posted! Have you met him yet?
PHOTOESSAYS All Desk Photoessays are being collected HERE! The Tech Conference 2006 Edition. With short picture page. The Dover Toys for Tots drive, 2006 edition
Old Dover Days 2006 and the Defective Duckies! With Picture Page!
LINKS All sorts of links. All were working as of a week ago or so. The link to Deep's site has a warning on it. OTHERS Look here to find pages by other folk associated however loosely with the DESK.
Mrs. Levite's Site Teresa's Desk. With picture pages, see the articles about Letterboxing. Fred looks at Homeland Security! What is Sexy? Brutha Deep's Answer. AND he posts a Test... see content warning
Ramblings and Hunting from 'Fred'.
This page will be maintained as a memorial to Melissa: Swan's Page. Bethany wrote a poem in memory of her MOM, My Mom and Her Deadly Disease by Patricia, Special Friend of the Desk- Carrie, contributed this article about the dedication of her 2003 Boston Marathon to Melissa. With Pictures! [presented as recieved as a Adobe file] |
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The Last time anyone ever did anything to this place was -yesterday-, you missed it! Hit RELOAD! |
The Media Desk is rated PG. It is suggested that Kids help their Parents Read! If you have any questions, comments or problems, or wish other pages to be rendered for easier WebTV® viewing please email: dr_leftover[-at-]themediadesk(dot)com [NOTE: replace word 'at' with @ and do the dot . before you send mail- this is to screw with SPAMMER robots] NOTICE: The owner of this site is actively seeking SPAMMERS to drag into court and sue for damages under CAN SPAM and has been in contact with a lawyer who is willing to do just that, PLEASE SPAM THE DESK so it will have somebody to go after. Thank you Dr Leftover, Webmaster
the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign
The Free Speech Campaign - eff.org
(there used to be an ICRA banner here!
tell them to go httpS!)
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 18:32:03 -0600 (EEST)
From: Aliasker [malomuiy@gmail.com]
Subject: we can make you h@ppy
YOu just will bring back some romantic moments that u lost in past! Refresh your B0DY! Just get our medicine and u`ll fill the difference between the life ur living now and between the life with \/!AG®RA and ©!AL!$
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