©07 The Media Desk
All images taken by either the Desk or Mrs. Desk.
[NOTE: Some of these pictures contain copyrighted logos and trademarks. Please see disclaimer below.
thank you- Dr. Leftover ]
The NYC PIC Page 2
The NYC Special Edition Warnings and Disclaimers Photo Page
A selection of pigeons assigned to the Times Square Area. Note: these are MIDtown pigeons. Not to be confused with Up- or Down-town birds.
The NOW WORLD FAMOUS Joey Guacamole practicing his craft at Chevy's Fresh Mex on 42nd in Times Square.
See article for details and link.
They call this place Radio City, but if you look closely, you don't see any radios.
that was the really bad joke for this photoessay, thank you
Rockefeller Center Ice Rink and Skaters, Christmas Tree, and Prometheus Fountain Statue.
The Times Square Police Station. And yes, OK, they need to power wash the wall.
One of New York's Bravest with a truck from Engine Company 54.
Christmas tree and Engine 54 Memorial
The Desk, for one,
The NYC PIC Page 2
Other Desk Photo Essays. themediadesk.com/photoess.htm
Legal Stuff:
[NOTE: Thanks to (in no particular order): Dawson Bus Company's Mr. L. Smith, DTI, Hale and Hearty Soups, The New York Public Library, Chevy's Times Square, and .... well... dang near everybody else who was in Manhattan that day. ][FURTHER NOTE: All trademarks and identifying images, including the outlines of some of the famous buildings mentioned are owned and controlled by their various owners. No infringement is intended. All mentions are used in this format as a journalistic and entertainment endeavor. The Desk Site Is NOT affiliated with any of the outside links listed above. Everything expressed is from the Desk and nobody and nothing else. Mention of anything or anybody is NOT to be taken as an endorsement of the Desk by them or vise versa.Thank you ]
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