©07 The Media Desk
All images taken by either the Desk or Mrs. Desk.
[NOTE: Some of these pictures may contain copyrighted logos and trademarks. Please see disclaimer below.
thank you- Dr. Leftover ]
The NYC PIC Page 1
The main Warnings and Disclaimer Page with another photo collection.
Sign in the entrance to a restaurant. The Desk is not sure if this is total occupancy or just paying customers allowed in at once.
The Bryant Park Corporation has its own set of rules if you want to use their park. See the Desk's main New York article for more info and a link to their site. Drive to New York to go to the park.
The implication from the decal on the storm drain is that there really are fish in the East River. The Desk will have to investigate further at some time to make that determination.
Of course the Desk had to take a picture.
It is blurry because the Desk was walking at the time while trying not to look like it was taking a picture.
While this isn't a warning or disclaimer or whatever, it is something most people would never take a picture of. Right?
Smile pretty for the officer. These are part of the reason it is now safe to walk around Times Square.
And yes, most people who read the sign looked up. Instead, the Desk took a picture.
The largest marble building in the world has a world class fire prevention system.
A double shot of warnings.
No the sign was not moving. The Desk took the picture using its left hand while reaching around sideways. It promises not to do that again.
Mrs Desk taking a picture of the Desk taking a picture of Mrs Desk, the truck No Turn sign, and the Paramount Building in the background. What else are you supposed to do in Times Square?
The NYC PIC Page 1
Other Desk Photo Essays. themediadesk.com/photoess.htm
Legal Stuff:
[NOTE: Thanks to (in no particular order): Dawson Bus Company's Mr. L. Smith, DTI, Hale and Hearty Soups, The New York Public Library, Chevy's Times Square, and .... well... dang near everybody else who was in Manhattan that day. ][FURTHER NOTE: All trademarks and identifying images, including the outlines of some of the famous buildings mentioned are owned and controlled by their various owners. No infringement is intended. All mentions are used in this format as a journalistic and entertainment endeavor. The Desk Site Is NOT affiliated with any of the outside links listed above. Everything expressed is from the Desk and nobody and nothing else. Mention of anything or anybody is NOT to be taken as an endorsement of the Desk by them or vise versa.Thank you ]
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