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Yet Another Desk Photo Essay

"Two Angoras To Go Please."

      The Great Bunny Show!

©08 The Media Desk
All images taken by the Desk.

      The Desk really wanted to go someplace and do something this last weekend. Anything. Anywhere.
      And the York County (PA) Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Association show seemed as good a 'something' as anything else.
      So we went.

      But first we had to cross the bridge, and take some pictures of it as well.

Route 462 bridge over the Susquehanna River, in PA, USA.
The Veterans Memorial Bridge, Route 462, over the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania, USA.
Just under one mile of the span is over water. The bridge, which opened in 1930, is one the National Register of Historic Places as part of the original transcontinental highway.

      Now for the Bunnies.
      No, that doesn't cover it.
      According to people who keep track of this kind of thing, a group of rabbits is called a 'Herd' or even a 'Kindle'.
      But neither of those do it justice either.
      At the York, PA 4-H center, there were more individual rabbits, more conies, bunnies, does, kits, bucks, domesticated Oryctolagus cuniculus, and variations thereof than you could easily count.

The 4-H center in York was packed
Rabbits, and rabbit people. Not only were there rabbits on the tables, there were rabbits UNDER the tables as well.
They NEED a bigger place to hold the bunny show

Mass Transit for rabbits
And you thought only people used mass transit.

     OK. Until the day of the show the Desk only knew of two types of rabbits. The wild ones that live in the back yard, and the houserabbit variety that don't.
      Now it knows of all sorts of bunnies. Like the Jersey Wooly, various dwarfs, and the however many kinds of Lops (droopy ear rabbits), Rex rabbits, and Flemish Giants that are bigger than a lot of dogs....
      Oh yeah, check out the picture......

That is one big rabbit
The rabbit is as big as the little girl that was looking at it.
Sorry about the focus, the girl started to walk away right as the camera took the picture.

      Just like any dog or cat show, there were rabbits being preened and brushed and spritzed until they looked as good as any rabbit can look.
      And the people doing the grooming were really serious about it as well.
      These animals had long pedigrees, and any pedigree with a Champion of any description in it made the associated offspring worth a lot more than just a plain old rabbit rabbit.

A Rabbit pedigree book
How many generations back can most of the people here go?

A regular rabbit
It appears to be a regular old rabbit.

      Not that there is Anything wrong with being a regular rabbit that is.
      But most of the rabbits in attendance weren't regular rabbits. There was the standard 'lap rabbits', and the really furry angoras (think fuzzy sweater), and chinchilla rabbits for the fur industry, and meat rabbits on their way to fancy restaurants in big cities, and rabbits that just seemed to be rabbit rabbits.

Two English Angoras.
Two male English Angoras.

A girl and her bunny.
One of the young competitors and her show rabbit.

The Harley Bunny shirt.
We are in York, PA, home to a particular species of motorcycle as well as rabbits.

      They had everything the rabbits and their people would ever need at the show.
Including Breakfast:
breakfast for people on top of a cage of rabbits.

      But the reason they were all there was to show rabbits, judge rabbits, and buy and sell rabbits. And if one of the attendees was to be believed, to put certain rabbits in the same cage for the duration so that, in a month or so, they'd have even more bunnies to show and sell and judge and.....
      Moving on.
      The judging would take the better part of the day as in just one category, the aforementioned Jersey Woolies, there were over seventy animals registered for judging in the category. And there were dozens of possible categories, most of which, at the time the Desk was asking questions, had enough registrants to warrant judging.
      But while A Lot of the rabbits were there to try to win the Rabbit versions of Best in Breed and Best in Show and Best Opposite and so on, a lot of the rabbits, and their cages, and accessories, were there to be bought and sold and even traded.
      And there was a lot of all of it going on all the time.

      And now the Desk can scratch "Cover a Rabbit Show" off its list of things to do.

Thanks to the Pennsylvania and York County Rabbit Breeders Associations, the York 4-H, and all related parties and entities for being good sports.

This is a Cavy.
Don't Forget about the CAVIES!

Legal Stuff:
[NOTE: All trademarks and identifying images, including the breeds of bunnies as mentioned are owned and controlled by their various owners, as are the rabbits themselves. No infringement is intended. All mentions are used in this format as a journalistic and entertainment endeavor. The Desk Site Is NOT affiliated with any of the outside links listed above. Everything expressed is from the Desk and nobody and nothing else. Mention of anything or anybody is NOT to be taken as an endorsement of the Desk by them or vise versa.Thank you ]

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