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Fred On Hunting

From a Friend of the Desk

©03 assigned to The Media Desk

[NOTE: As with all outside submissions, this is presented with minimal editing.
  Dr. Leftover]

       Here I sit on my lofty perch, day after day. Season after season, year after year. Waiting for a chance to become a productive deer hunter. I digress, I am nearing 40 and due to poor luck, dad wasn't home much as we grew up. So needless to say I never got to go hunt with my dad. A man who I miss and try to be like. For to me even though he was a humble man, he stood for all that was right and good about being a man. With flaws and imperfections. He was my dad, my hero. A man who I miss still. Since growing up as a man with a wife and 3 children. And now life is stable for me, I have 2 hobbies, shooting and reloading and hunting.
       I started hunting 89 and have read, watched or listened to anything about hunting. Some has proved too useful and others yet to prove worth. Don't understand what is missing, when I hunt.

       For my season starts with preseason scouts, acquire new maps. (I only hunt on state lands) This allows me to hunt near home. For a gremlin haunts me each season anew. This auto or those bad weather problems, little or no money for hunting stuff. But in spite of all that, I go forth and each year to try and get my first deer. YES I know a 40 yr old who hasn't got one yet. I am an ethical hunter. I have had long shots + bad shots presented to me. But due to a old sense of right and wrong I can't take a shot to wound or maim, because food and survival is not an issue.
       Each year I go into this wooded area to hunt. And each time I see deer out of shotgun range (No Rifles Allowed in my State, haven't mastered a bow yet). Have seen lot of deer and sign of it. In talking with the other hunters I know the deer are here. Must be patient a little longer. For one day I will get lucky and have that good shot.
       I also use this time to reflect on life and family, a wife who loves me. A son and 2 daughters who I love. How hunting is part of the American heritage. And politics not withstanding. My ability to pass on something of what is good about hunting to other generations is in drought. My son tried once, but didn't care for it. My girl's and wife's personal views won't let them go hunting (I feel a loss of family time, OR my missing what will bring us together)
       But what I need to know is how do I become a real hunter. For I currently have at my disposal:

  1. 2- 12' ladder stands
  2. 1- 12' stick ladder
  3. - 1 homemade treestand
  4. - 1 shotgun slug barrel
  5. - 1 daypack
  6. - 2 thermos
  7. - 1 hunting vest
  8. - 1 grunt tube
  9. - 1 rattle bag
  10. - Assorted scents

The state in which I live is small and change is slow. (NO HANDGUN HUNTING YET) I arrive early, leave late when time allows. Have been out in rains, cold, wind, snow, etc. Each new article they say to try this or don't do that. I keep looking for what will work for me. Is there more for a 40 yr hunter looking for his first deer, to do.

Note: this article was lost till found recently. I am now 45 and still no first deer yet. But the love of hunting I still in my heart. -Fred

Thanks Fred. It was worth the wait.
-Doc L

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