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Dover Toys for Tots Drive- Picture Page 1

©03 The Media Desk

The Story

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A stormtrooper has an idea
A Garrision Carida Stormtrooper indicates where the Toys for Tots donations should go.

A balloon for a kid
The representative from Caesar Rodney High School JrROTC gives a kid a balloon at the Toy Drive.

The USMC Legion and a bunny
Who would ever believe a couple of tough old Marines posing with an Easter Bunny this cute?

Gratuitous Pretty Woman Picture 1
The Pretty Women liked the dogs....
Gratuitous Pretty Woman Picture 2
And the Stormtroopers.
[official Media Desk gratuitous Pretty Woman Pictures]

Toddler girl and dog
A little girl just couldn't bring herself to pet the dog.
No matter how relaxed he was.

The Story

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[NOTE: Star Trek, Star Wars, Toys R Us, the USMC, Toys for Tots, etc, and all related identifying names and marks are properties of their respective owners. Individuals represented are private citizens and real names are not used by the Desk. The Media Desk is not affiliated or otherwise attached to any of them. The Media Desk is a registered fully qualified domain operating as a Journalistic outlet. Opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of anything affiliated with the Charities or Other Entities. All Photos Are Taken By and Remain Property of the Desk. Use for Educational Purposes with credit to The Media Desk website is permitted. Thank you. ]
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