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Farpoint '07 Pictures

©07 The Media Desk
All photos taken by The Desk this year!

The Farpoint '07 Story

Hold mouse pointer over pictures for more info.

the registration desk is where it all starts
The Con starts at the registration desk where, every one, and in some cases, every "thing", checks in.

the inside parts of a famous robot
If you want to join a club dedicated to the building and operating of replicas of a famous movie robot, you can sign up at the con!

Gratuitous Pretty Woman Picture
OK, she may not be MM's twin sister, but she'll do for this year's pretty woman picture.
[official Media Desk gratuitous Pretty Woman Picture: Farpoint 2007 Edition]

Service Dogs, the younger one is in training
Miranda and Sam, the younger dog (to the left) is in training and seemed to already be quite bored by all the activity.

1950 Studebaker Champion instead of a picture of Suzie Plakson for reasons best left unexplained.
A 1950 Studebaker Champion on display inside the hotel, instead of a picture of TV star Suzie Plakson, for reasons best left unexplained.

To the Farpoint 2007 writeup

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Contact: Dr_Leftover(at) PLEASE put Farpoint in subject line due to SPAM.
[NOTE: Farpoint, Shoreleave, the Marriott Hunt Valley Inn, etc, and all related identifying names and marks are properties of their respective owners. All individuals represented are private citizens and real names are not used by the Desk. The Media Desk is not affiliated or otherwise attached to any of them. The Media Desk is a registered fully qualified domain operating as a Journalistic outlet. Opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of anything affiliated with the Farpoint Con. ]