©03 The Media Desk
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Was he a Blues Brother or an M.I.B.? We couldn't tell until he started singing. M.I.B. can't sing.
[NOTE: Shore Leave, Star Trek, Dungeons and Dragons, Marriott, the Trekkie project, etc, and all related identifying names and marks are properties of their respective owners. All Celebrity photographs were taken during the public appearances at the convention. All other individuals represented are private citizens and real names are not used by the Desk. The Media Desk is not affiliated or otherwise attached to any of them. The Media Desk is a registered fully qualified domain operating as a Journalistic outlet. Opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of anything affiliated with ShoreLeave All Photos Are Taken By and Remain Property of the Desk. Use for Educational Purposes with credit to The Media Desk website is permitted. Thank you. ]To the main page http://themediadesk.com