©05 The Media Desk
How to tell if you are an OLD GEEK
- Once upon a time you traded your C64 in on an Amiga.
- You still have, somewhere, a 9,600 baud external modem.
- TELNET was the only way to get from here to there.
- You can name off the top of your head, several DOS 2.5 commands.
- The Christmas Wreath you made from the strips off of tractor feed printer paper is in your closet.
- You know exactly where your floppy disks are with Windows 3.x on them.
- The question "FORTRAN or COBOL?" still gives you chills.
- You have used floppy disk sticky labels to label packages in the freezer.
- You have a slide rule somewhere within arm's reach...
...and you still know how to use it. (extra credit)
- You know what a slide rule is and why anybody would want one.
- There's a 5.25 inch cleaning disk in your drawer, just in case you ever need it.
- You have a full collection of adapters to convert MINIDIN to PS/2 to Serial to AT and back again.
- You still say Macintosh was a giant step sideways.
- That 'Grolier's Encyclopedia' on CD-ROM was the last word in everything.
- You remember how cool it was when a dial up BBS went multi-line.
- Your first monitor was green (or blue) screen.
- Yours is the only hand in the air when somebody asks: "Does anybody know Wordperfect?"
- You still remember to commands for the Apple II.
- There was a time when you were saving loose change to buy a Timex Computer.
- You said, "There's a Hard Disk Drive INSIDE the computer?"
- You ever mimicked an IRC 'bot' in live chat.
- You still have that coal mine game on cassette tape.
- "What would I do with fifty megs of space?"
- There's still an OS/2 cheat sheet taped to your wall.
- You used to live with GOPHER, KERMIT, and FINGER.
- 14.4 was a blazing connection and you couldn't wait to upgrade your 9,600 modem.
- You know what TWAIN means.
- You remember when all outside email needed SMTP in the address and you know why.
- When a computer needed a 'door' you knew it didn't involve hinges.
- You still long for the simple days of DOS-shell.
If you came across something you didn't recognize, look it up. You might learn something! The Desk got quite a refresher just checking its facts and dates for this quiz. Since it is an Old Geek it needed help with its memory.
25 or more yes answers- Major OLD GEEK. The Smithsonian wants to talk to you about that Apple 1 in your attic.
If you agreed with twenty or more .... you probably still have a working 286 somewhere in your house and wish Microsoft would bring back the original edition of MS-Works. Right? You Old Geek!
IF you answered YES to a dozen or more of these. You are still a GEEK, and you are getting older!
If 9 - 12, you're not, but you're close.
5 to 9, you might convincingly play one in a school play.
Under five and you asked questions like "What's DOS-shell?" you'll never be one. Go to a Farmer's Market someplace and buy a 486 and learn what a Real Computer was all about!
[NOTE: This quiz is solely for the purpose of making some people feel old, and to entertain and perhaps raise curiosity in others. Please treat it as such. All programs, machines, identifying names, companies and so on are property of their respective owners and inventors (not AlGore). No infringement or disparagement is intended.
Thank You, Webmaster ]
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