Media Desk Approved Signature Lines.
©03 The Media Desk
Please feel free to use the following Officially Approved Media Desk Signature Lines
in your next email.
- Delaware: 17,527,000 mosquitoes can't be wrong.
- For alternate ending cut and paste into WORD and translate to Swedish.
- Laugh track available on request.
- Been there, Done that, Posted bail, Am writing book!
- SPAMMED by popular demand.
- Do you know where your mouse has been?
- Your autopsy has been rescheduled, don't miss it!
- Signature lines prohibited by local ordinance.
- No electrons were harmed in the writing of this email.
- Due to security concerns the important parts of this message were deleted.
- In lieu of a mission statement, we have CYA.
- The above subject to revision or deletion without notice.
- This space intentionally left blank.
- For best results, run your hard drive through a dishwasher to remove dust.
- Always answer your phone before the nineteenth ring.
- Signed with all the sincerity I can pump into my keyboard.
- Smile, your monitor is watching you read this.
- The above cleared by network censors for viewing during the family hour.
- Now that I've told you, I have to kill you.
- If you are still reading this you need more to do.
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