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Fiberfest 2009 Picture Page 2

©09 The Media Desk
All photos taken by or assigned to The Desk.

The Fiber Festival Story

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wool in its natural habitat
Besides the Alpacas pictured before, there was sheep to visit with as well.

Alpaca wool in a basket
Minimally processed wool, in this case Alpaca, was available in bulk.

a spinning wheel     skeen winder
And you could get a spinning wheel, which will help you turn wool into yarn.
They also had skeen and ball winders, looms, and if you really needed one, you could order a carding machine as well.

Vendor's booth of hand dyed fiber and yarn
Hand dyed wool both ready to spin into yarn and some already spun.

an art sheep?
And, of course, there was Wool not in its natural habitat.

Gratuitous Pretty Woman Picture from the fiber show
According to one of the Two Easily Embarrassed Fiber Show Ladies, the day was a success.
[official Media Desk Gratuitous Pretty Woman Picture: Fiberfest! 2009 Edition]

alpaca mini-van tranport
At the end of the day, the alpacas did not want to go home.

[NOTE: All photos taken by the Desk. All related identifying names and marks are properties of their respective owners. All individuals represented are private citizens and real names are not used by the Desk. The Media Desk is not affiliated or otherwise attached to any of them. The Media Desk is a registered fully qualified domain operating as a Journalistic outlet. Opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of anything affiliated with FiberFest! Thank you. ]
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