©02 The Media Desk
It would be easy to overload on the emotions of the day.
Memorials and Remembrances are everywhere. Flags at half staff, people wearing red white and blue. A moment of silence. The President on the radio.
The Desk itself is wearing its tie with a painting of General in Chief of the Union Army Ulysses S. Grant, with cigar, on horseback, in front of an American Flag and images of military power all around him.
All of the sudden the President is back on the radio... he seems to be praying...
[Desk nightmare article from Sept, 15, 2001]This dream keeps going on.
This terrible dream.
Madmen and airplanes. Huge twisted smoking hulks that used to be sleek beautiful buildings. Talking heads on the TV making noise about war. Self-serving politicians yapping about to protect Americans they have to take their guns away or limit their right to assemble or travel. Graphic pictures of injured people and smashed vehicles.
I roll over. Try to get the dream to change.
The president is in church. Generals and fire fighters. Flags everywhere. Giant fires and mountains of debris. Endless lists of dead, missing, injured.
I walk around the room. Get a drink of water.
The dream refuses to go away.
Closed airports, empty stadiums, silent streets. Broken glass, melted walls, crushed bodies. Parades of ambulances. Grim men with shovels and buckets. Helicopters flying in and out with cargoes of the dead.
I wipe sweat and try to get control of my own mind that will not stop the movie of dreadful images.
A Moslem incarnation of the devil himself. Radio reporters speak of a ground zero. Aircraft carriers off the coast, armed jets patrol the American sky. Every newspaper looks the same. People at work talk about war and death and revenge. They say the reserves are being called up, and plans for invasions being made.
The alarm goes off. I crawl out of bed. It was not a good night's sleep.
I limp to the shower and wash the nightmare off.
Over breakfast and some coffee I turn the TV on out of habit.
I still haven't woke up.
The dream goes on.
When will it end?
It hasn't ended...
It seems we are now living the nightmare.
Armed jets still patrol the skies. Airports are security camps. Troops are still being called up. Politicians are still posturing... Nelson Mandela is shooting off his mouth on a more Anti-American tangent than the best bin laden himself ever got out and the Pope is Blessing the hijackers. Has the World gone MAD?
Indeed. The World has Gone Mad.
To some degree we all have.
What was once unthinkable has now become routine. Our personal freedoms are now ranked on order of performance. National ID cards are being talked about, internal visas for travel from here to Kentucky. Canada is waffling on action against Iraq since nobody has blown up anything in Toronto. Japan sent warships on an international mission for the first time in half a century, now they are wringing their hands about the US starting another war.
Excuse Please.
The United States did NOT start this war. The United States was not the breaker of what passed for World Peace one year ago.
The United States may not be able to finish this war. The United States may not be able to restore world peace.
The United States had better do its level best to WIN this war and bring back the peace.
Ask yourself what Mr. Mandela and the Al Saud Royal Family and their Wahabi supporters will do to help.
Please pray that our country has the resolve to follow through.
-30-[the preceding rampage does not reflect the views of anyone except the Media Desk]