The Terror that struck New York and DC Tuesday morning was not sponsored by just any Muslims.
It wasn’t even instigated by some extreme Islamic Sect like our old friend Saddam belongs to.
It was special delivery from the Taliban.
The Taliban are not about Islam. No more than the Black Muslims of the US in the 1960’s were about Islam.
They fall under the large umbrella of Islam just as the Old Order Amish fall under the big umbrella of Christianity. But they are far more extreme than the Amish ever thought about being.
To the Taliban, Jews and Christians are not ‘People of the Book’ they are barely one step above a pig. Something unclean that returns to its vomit and should be killed at first opportunity to rid the Earth of its stench.
Women are possessions. Property. Also to be killed if they fail to serve adequately or are deemed to be harboring impure thoughts, or if they cause a Talib man to have an impure thought.
TV is banned as a disease of the mind and a corrupting influence to the Pure Message of Islam. (Some things the Taliban have gotten right)
Ancient images of Hindu or Buddhist origin have been eradicated. Priceless art treasures, even those of lesser forms of Islam have been burned or torn down. Anything American, or even just from outside is subject to seizure and destruction no questions asked.
In Afghanistan before the Taliban, forty percent of the doctors in the country were women. Today, none. Women are not permitted to be doctors, nor are they permitted to see them. If a childbirth cannot be attended to by her female relatives, the mother and the child will probably die.
Girls are not taught to read beyond the barest essential to function as wives and mothers.
If a house has a woman in it, the windows are all painted black so she cannot be seen, or she see out.
If a Talib man even thinks a woman has looked at him. He can kill her. Instantly. And without fear of reprisal.
If a Talib man kills another man’s goat. He can face persecution for the crime.
The Religious Police of the Taliban have autonomy to operate in any manner they see fit against infidels, foreigners, even their own people. Most crimes are punishable by death. Including a Talib man trimming his beard, a foreigner having a Bible in the open where an Afghani may see it, or any part of a woman’s skin being visible.
Not all Afghans are Taliban. The Talib party does not want them all. Not all Afghan’s approve of the Talib.
But they dare not say a word.
Once again, the Talib do not quarter any dissent. They do not tolerate anything other then the word of their leader… Mullah Muhammad Ommar (the Desk has seen several versions of the spelling) and his lieutenants carry it out with an iron fist.
And yes. They encourage their soldiers to kill the infidels. And they make no distinction between civilians and soldiers. Americans, Canadians, Brits, Japanese. And if the Talib dies in the bargain, so much the better.
And bin laden (nobody cares how he prefers it to be spelled) fills their bill perfectly for a long arm to extend beyond their own borders to carry it out.
!JIHAD! Holy war.
This is NOT normal Islam as practiced by over a Billion People around the world.
This is Taliban.
This is Hell by any other name.
And, America, Unless we want THAT over here, or anywhere else. We had better give better than we got and take it right back to them. Count our dead. Then kill that many of their own people, plus one.
“Kill them all. Let Allah sort them out.”