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Answered prayer

©00 The Media Desk

      For over a year now at the bottom of several of the Desk's pages, both in the Religion section and elsewhere the Desk has written a short line below its trademark 'selah' or the cold and impersonal end of copy marker -30-.



      While the way it happened is terrible.


      Nightmarishly beyond anything on the brutality scale except the Holocaust.


      The Desk's prayer seems to have been answered.

      Network Newscasts offer commentary on how 'God is Back'.

      Prayer happens in schools and workplaces.

      You can't drive to the gas station without seeing 'God Bless America' on bumperstickers and billboards.

      Churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, all report high attendance and religious articles at stores are selling at record pace.

      Religious opinions are sought out by people who before had no concept of just how different, or how similar, Islam and Judaism are compared to Christianity.

      Even the Desk has had emails asking how the Talib can claim to be operating under the banner of Islam when the majority of what they say and do are contrary to it.

      God Is back.

      In a big way.

      America was founded by Christians. There is no getting around that. But the way they put the country together, we must allow competing religious views. We have no State Religion. As they do in so many of the Middle Eastern Countries.
      In this country. In America Buddhists live alongside Catholics. Peacefully. We do not have Lutherans shooting it out with Hindus in the streets. Baptists run for public office against somebody with no professed faith whatsoever and the subject of religion doesn't even come up most of the time.

      And given the state of affairs in Afghanistan, even those in this country who feel they are allergic to 'church' in any form, would rather be here. Under our Constitution. And have a 'Freedom OF Religion'. Rather than live under the heel of the Talib and their version of Islam.
      Where you have the freedom to be Muslim, or dead, if you happen to catch the eye of our Religion Police.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

      There is a GOD in America.

      And we, as Americans are free to, or not to, Worship God as dictated to by our own conscious.

      And that is something else the Taliban cannot stand about us.

      God Bless America.

      Pray for Revival in the Land


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