[NOTE: The Lady who wrote this article is a self proclaimed Atheist who was raised in the Methodist church. She is fully aware of the Desk's beliefs and tolerates him anyway. Her views are presented as a 'Friend of the Desk'. Any email about her write-up will be forwarded to her. Thank you.]
The terrorism that occurred on September 11, 2001 will be forever branded in our brains. We will all remember where we were when we first heard. And just as everybody is an individual, each one of us will deal with it in our own way.
We live in a country where there are many freedoms. Speech and religion being two of them. Right now, they are walking hand in hand. Look around. "GOD BLESS AMERICA" is on everything from the local car dealership to the 7-11 to the sub shop down the street. It seems that everyone from your local minister to the President of these United States are telling us to pray for the victims, their families and humankind in general. Praying is fine. Americans have the right to pray if they so choose.
Now, I have no problem with religion. I have friends from many Christian faiths. I also have Jewish friends. I have Wiccan friends. I have friends who I'm not sure what, if any, religious beliefs they have. This is not the issue. I understand most 'one god' religions are following the same 'one god'. Call it by different names...it originated at the same place. Which brings up this question...Why would 'Allah' be happy and pleased that one of His children sent his brothers over to another place and killed thousands of 'God's' other children?
Have I mentioned that I am an atheist? I do not believe in the existence of a 'god'. Any 'god'. No, I am not saying that I don't believe in THE god. To "not believe" in a specific something you'd have to believe in the 'existence' of it to begin with and then deny what it stands for. I just don't believe 'god' is or ever was. So...I am greatly outnumbered in the religious scheme of things. However, just because I am outnumbered, doesn't mean I am not irritated to be repeatedly subjected to people telling me the best way to help those who were affected by the bombings, is to pray. Especially since the person behind the attack sincerely believes he did this for his 'god'. Who is in essence their 'god'...isn't it?
Okay...I heard the collective drawing in of breath. Yes, I said I do not believe in the existence of god. Go ahead. Pray for me. I'll wait.
Finished? I hope you feel better about yourself. You have done your part to save my soul. Thank you. Speaking of doing our part...I can help too. No, I do not pray. I don't participate in religious vigils. I do stand quietly for 'silent minutes'. I use that time to think. About the victims. About the love I have for my family and friends. And they have for me. I am lucky to have such a diverse group of people in my life. Not everybody can say that.
What can I do? I can donate needed items. I can donate my time. I can donate my life's blood, to give someone else life. I can keep up with the news coverage so I can be educated and informed so when my children ask questions I can give them short, but accurate answers. Those of us who do not pray are not lower than a slug's belly. We feel too. We hurt. And just because we don't pray...doesn't mean we don't care.