[NOTE: The Lady who wrote this article is a Wiccan Priestess who was born and raised a Catholic. She and the Desk have had many religious discussions, and at least the Desk looks forward to many more. Her views are presented as a 'Friend of the Desk'. Any email about her write-up will be forwarded to her. Thank you.]
Humor me on this a little... let me bend your ear, even though it may sound like I am preaching, or rehashing old details. There is a bigger picture around here and I am trying to get it all summed up.
My ideas of God are pretty simple.... at the highest forms there is God. It matters not if you are Christian, Jew, Hindu, Muslim or Pagan. Whatever you do, be it within yourself- or to an outside force, to help make you stronger- DO IT!
My ideas of God are what I refer to as "The Lord and Lady". There are no concepts of singular "evil" in Paganism so I still have a hard time with concepts of the Devil, which is something I could never grasp even during my early years as a Catholic. My "Lord and Lady" are mates- lovers, best friends, parents and a host of other roles they fill together, for life. Neither is more important than the other and they live in harmony by freely giving and allowing each other to take the lead as needed. Neither is in control, they are working together.
Since I am Female- I tend to look to the Lady for guidance. Images of Goddess for Pagans include Warriors and Blacksmiths, Moon Goddesses, Mothers, Crones and Maidens... even WOMEN with Antlers or horns. It depends on the aspects that I need. Many faces of the same God. It is outside of me so that I can carry on a conversation with God and not appear psychotic, but God is also within. My Father passed away 23 years ago- he joined what I refer to as "the Ancients"- those that have gone before us. They are also part of my ideas of God. I'm not always the "nuts and berries" type of tree hugger.
I can talk to God- all of them. I "pray" everyday- something as simple as saying "Good morning" to the Sun when I wake up, to a lavish ritual with special robes and all the accoutrements. My prayers are simply my hopes bundled into a neat little package- I need to do something about those hopes, or I loose them. It doesn't matter how I dress the Gods up to match my little images of God- God meets me half way. God, to me, is the energies of the Earth- active in a crystal or a storm, in the animals of the Earth... or it's people... just like YOU.
God IS... That spark of God is in YOU. THOU ART GOD. Not an easy concept for some people to handle. But- that is my way- other people have different ideas.
"God Bless the USA"......??????
OK- I will work harder to do my part.
ARROGANT? According to some, that is BLASPHEMY.
Many will say "It's not in our hands anymore, give it to God."
God tells ME that I am responsible for my actions. No offense, I am not giving up without a fight. America is my home, and suddenly I am very scared for the very way we live- that is in my hands.
I see "God Bless America" as a call to get off our collective asses and do something about and for this nation. That was a pretty harsh way we had to learn that lesson. We became complacent- but not anymore. We are stronger and more resolute because we have had to pull our dead from the rubble in our own country and watch the most horrible images over and over- we have been slapped in the face by raw HATE. As much as I would like to go to New York and help, I can't- it's not practical.
I agree that the "Religious Right" is probably going to be running amok and saying that the end of the world is coming- the face of the Devil was seen in the smoke plumes of the World Trade Center just before the collapse and the pictures circulated all over our nation's newspapers. I saw it- but I also tend to view that as a personification of hate. It's UGLY. My apologies to the Christians, but "Turning the other cheek" is not going to be an option with this situation.
I don't have any ideas that the world is ending- but the life we knew is GONE. One important symbol of all our hopes, prayers and tears- came to the forefront immediately. Not a Cross, not my Pentacle, not his Star of David, not that Harley, or even something manufactured by Smith and Wesson. It's our Flag- our good old Stars and Stripes. We are AMERICANS... that goes on.
What we face right now is a fight to keep our liberties as Americans.
I don't mind "God Bless the USA" or "God Bless America" or "One Nation under God". I would usually be saying "Goddess" but that is OK, we all need a common reference. I don't mind the call to pray as long as they don't tell me how to do it- or not do it- or that I must do it. Wave that flag with a passion- that will work for me! Whatever you choose to do, know that I will be standing next to you and defending your right to do it!
Now... let me scare you....
One of the leaders of the Taliban (I believe) has just called for the U.S. to "think, and think again" before attacking Afghanistan. Sounds like a threat to me... we could be in for more of the same. They drew the first blood and that must be accounted for. Many Americans would like to see most of Afghanistan turned into a very large, glass, dinner plate with a nuclear weapon or two but most of us know that is not really the answer. That comment also has the hint of fear- they have awakened the giant. They know it.
My hope (prayer?) right now is that the leadership of this nation will strongly consider all of the consequences of any action. G.W. Bush has a boss that he must answer to- the American people- may he never forget that.
Little slogans to keep us united don't mean as much as WHAT we do to stay UNITED in spite of our differences.
Pray, dance, scream, type.... do what ever you need to do to be strong. But I doubt anyone will ever again look at Americans and see weakling fat cats again.
How about "United We Stand"?