Meet Dr. Leftover Return to the Desk Main Page

And Just Who in the Heck is Dr. Leftover?

             Well. He is the alter-ego, pen name, Web Site Persona of Levite.
             Levite is The Media Desk.
             And the Desk is under the direct supervision of Dr. Leftover. pic

         This mysterious person is a former Correctional Officer/Prison Guard, Freelance Journalist, Electrician, Sportswriter, Cook, Political Commentator, Clerk, Columnist, Maintenance Man, Scoutmaster, and a few other jobs he can't remember. The Desk's desk.
         He has always written everything, and today continues writing more than he talks. His hobby is watching people and his passion is collecting information.
         As a person, he was born when Ike was President and spent his first politically aware years pouting over the pardon of Tricky Dick. His first writing under threat of deadline was as a Sociological Observer for a campus weekly. Since then he has written for everything from statewide weeklies to Union newsletters to on line pay services and anything else that uses the printed or electronically displayed word. In doing so he has met three US presidents, a handful of governors from four states, several state level representatives, and other assorted notables of all stripes. And traveled here and there to conventions and convictions. While on the road he has seen every level of football, baseball, and basketball played on the continent in person, from the press box, the sidelines, the stands, and in the bus outside waiting for the team. He has rated restaurants, evaluated car washes, and ranked TV shows.
         In short. He is living his version of the popular saying...

"Been there. Did that. Posted Bail. Am Writing The Book."

          Dr. Leftover, Levite, The Media Desk writes everything.
         -No- He Writes Everything. From Apologetics to Adult Fiction. Political Essays to Sports Commentary to Humor. High Adventure to Science Fiction. And some stuff that doesn't fit easily into any category, and the occassional picture of any beautiful women he meets... Like the current Miss Delaware, Erin Cooper. (she's on the left)

         This is the first outing he has had without Somebody behind a desk telling him what to write, when to write it, and how long it should be.

         So as you peruse The Media Desk Website you are seeing what a Professional will do when not corralled by a City Editor wanting a write-up on the new garbage regulations, or something on the President's visit to the local Air Force Base.
         You'll have to use your own mind to figure out if some of it is to be taken seriously or not. Of course the Sports and Politics are labeled, but some of the other stuff crosses the line one way and then goes back again.
         It is all presented for your amusement.
         Feel free to email:  with any and all comments. [replace -at- with @, this is to pizz off SPAMMER robots]
         Death threats and hate mail should be sent to


[editor's note on the term 'Selah'. An obscure Old Testament Hebrew word of uncertain meaning . Probably meant as either a musical rest or an indication of a change of key or tempo. Also used as a term for Peace. The Desk uses it as any and all of those meanings.]

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