It is the policy of the Executive Branch of State government that entities receiving direct appropriations in the State's annual Budget Bill follow the following policy:

  1.  No agency, as defined above, shall install or pay for a 1-800 (Toll Free) line without the approval of the Secretary of the Department of Administrative Services.

  2.  The Secretary of the Department of Administrative Services shall approve the installation and/or payment of "1-800" lines for the public's use only under the following circumstances:
        (a) The line will have an extremely high volume of calls and will be appropriately advertised,

        (b) The line must be answered outside the Monday through Friday 7:30 am-6:00 pm normal working hours of Helpline and will be appropriately advertised;

        (c) The line will be primarily an emergency/crisis hotline and will be appropriately advertised;

        (d) The line services primarily out-of-State or out-of-country callers and will be appropriately advertised; and / or

        (e) The line is required by the Del Code and/or Federal regulations or laws that cannot be replaced, legally, with the Helpline.

  3.  The Secretary of the Department of Administrative Services shall approve installation and/or payment of "1-800" lines for non-public use only under the following circumstances:
        (a) The agency requesting the line can demonstrate that the use of a phone credit card cannot be used as a suitable replacement for the "1-800" line; and/or

        (b) The line will be primarily an emergency, crisis hotline for which a phone credit card cannot be used as a suitable replacement.

Once written permission for the line is obtained from the Secretary of Administrative Services or their designee, said permission may be presented to DTI with a completed workorder request for the installation of the toll free line, which will also include agency fiscal authorization and State Account Code for billing purposes.

Page currently property of State of Delaware, Department of Technology and Information, Communications Services.

[ Revised: 1 June 2004. ]